About Us

AfroWema is an ethical and sustainability fashion brand born in Kibera (Kenya), the largest slum in Africa which contributes to the empowerment of artisans in this community and the creation of new jobs. Together, we can show the world the amazing things done from Africa! Let’s together save the planet with style.

About Us

We are honored to be vessels of His message.
Who We Are

About Us

We are honored to be vessels of His message.
Vessel Africa was founded as a means to preach the Gospel efficiently and stylishly. Clothing is one of the mediums through which we share our faith and preach about Jesus. We take pride in delivering quality and perfection in spreading the name of God. Vessel Africa aims to provide high-quality Christian urban wear apparel for believers in Jesus Christ. We are honored to be vessels of His message.
The only way to become an honored vessel in God’s house is to yield to His will. It is God’s work within you, not your own efforts. The Holy Spirit leads and teaches, and the Word of God nurtures and molds you into the image God intends.

What We Do

Save the Planet with Style

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Why We Focus on Kids Wearing Christian Apparel
To influence their identity and values

At Vessel Africa, we believe that what children wear can significantly influence their identity and values. Our Christian apparel aims to reinforce positive, faith-based messages, counteracting the negative influences that often permeate through mainstream culture and media.

Positive Influence through Apparel:

Faith-Based Identity: Clothing adorned with Christian messages and symbols helps children embrace their faith, reminding them of God’s love and their spiritual identity.

Moral Values: Our apparel serves as a constant reinforcement of moral and spiritual values, guiding children to make righteous choices in a world filled with temptations.

Counteracting Negative Influences:

- Cultural Messages: The devil often uses subtle cultural messages, including those found in clothing, to distort children’s perceptions and lead them away from Christ.

- Protecting Innocence: By providing children with Christian apparel, we aim to shield their minds from harmful influences and promote a lifestyle centered on faith and purity.

Empowering the Next Generation:

Our mission is to empower the next generation to proudly wear their faith, influencing their peers positively and growing into strong, faith-filled individuals. With Vessel Africa’s Christian apparel, we strive to nurture a foundation of spiritual strength and moral integrity in every child.

Choose Vessel Africa for your children, and let their clothing be a testament to their faith and a shield against the negative influences of the world.

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